Plank Pose
This classic pose builds core and upper body strength, engaging your arms, shoulders, and back.
Chaturanga Dandasana
This challenging pose strengthens your arms, wrists, and shoulders, sculpting the muscles in your upper body.
Upward-Facing Dog Pose
Similar to plank, this pose strengthens your arms, wrists, and shoulders while opening your chest and stretching the front of your body.
Side Plank Pose
This variation targets your obliques and shoulders, also working your arms for isometric strength.
Dolphin Pose
This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, and upper back while stretching the hamstrings and calves, giving your arms a great workout.
Extended Side Angle Pose
This standing pose tones your arms, legs, and core while improving flexibility.
Warrior II Pose
This powerful pose strengthens your legs, core, and shoulders, with your arms holding strong for balance and stability.
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
This fundamental pose stretches and strengthens your entire body, including your arms and shoulders.
Eagle Pose
This challenging balancing pose improves coordination and strengthens your core and upper body, including your arms.
Bow Pose
This pose opens your chest and shoulders while strengthening your core and back. It also provides a good stretch for your arms.