Directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, this film is known for its superb twist and thrilling performances set against a fascinating post-war America backdrop.
Directed by Matthew Vaughn and featuring Nicolas Cage and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, this movie offers a funny and farcical take on the superhero genre with a killer soundtrack, often considered better than "Deadpool."
Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and starring Ryan Gosling, this movie presents a sexy and striking take on the typical action genre with outstanding performances.
Directed by Michel Hazanavicius and starring Jean Dujardin, this charming silent film is a fun throwback to the early days of cinema.
Directed by Wes Anderson and featuring Edward Norton, this underrated film combines childhood innocence with enduring humor and arthouse precision.
Directed by Ang Lee and starring Suraj Sharma, this visually stunning and powerful film is more than just a story about a man and a tiger in a boat.
Directed by Edgar Wright and starring Michael Cera, this film combines an experimental comic style with genius comic timing, creating hipster gold-dust.
Directed by Stephen Chbosky and starring Emma Watson, this YA film perfectly balances sentimental cliché, cultural references, and hard-hitting drama.